Maverick Early Reader Purple (Level 8): Stone Underpants
It is very cold in the Stone Age, so how will Pod keep warm? He invents… underpants! But what can he use to make them?
Purple Band Structure
- 800-1000 words, one story per book with a quiz.
- By now, children are reading more automatically, so that they don’t have to sound out and blend every word. Texts continue to provide opportunities to read words with more complex phonics, and include words with a range of suffixes and prefixes.
- Stories continue to increase in length but are still mostly straightforward to follow. Texts can still be enjoyed on a literal level but there is increasing scope for simple subtexts and themes that readers may pick up as an ‘extra’ if they are able to.
- There are continued opportunities for prediction at various points in the text, and for discussion of characters and motivation.
- Plots are still mostly straightforward and linear.
Recommended Age
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Delivery Options
Delivery in 3-5 business days, or immediate pick up in-store.